Please find links to published papers describing innovative instructional techniques that SERU has been involved in creating below (SERU members are in bold):
Ott LE, Carpenter TS, Hamilton DS, LaCourse WR (2018). Discovery Learning: Development of a Unique Active Learning Environment for Introductory Chemistry. The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 18: 161-180 (
Whitworth K, Leupen S, Rakes C, Bustos M (2018). Interactive Computer Simulations as Pedagogical Tools in Biology Labs. CBE-Life Sciences Education 17: ar46 (
Ott LE, Kephart K, Stolle-McAllister K, LaCourse WR (2018). Students’ Understanding and Perceptions of Assigned Team Roles in a Classroom Laboratory Environment. The Journal of College Science Teaching 47: 83-91 (link)
Hodges LC, Anderson EC, Carpenter TS, Cui L, Feeser EA, Gierasch TM (2017). Using Clickers for Deliberate Practice in Five Large Science Courses. The Journal of College Science Teaching 47: 22-28
Hoffman K, Leupen S, Dowell K, Kephart K, Leips J (2016). Development and Assessment of Modules to Integrate Quantitative Skills in Introductory Biology Courses. CBE-Life Sciences Education 15: ar14 (doi: 10.1187/cbe.15-09-0186)
Hodges LC, Anderson EC, Carpenter TS, Cui L, Gierasch TM, Leupen S, Nanes KM, Wagner CR (2015). Using Reading Quizzes in STEM – The What, Why, and How. Journal of College Science Teaching 45: 45-59 (link)
Nanes KM (2014). A Modified Approach to Team-Based Learning in Linear Algebra Courses. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 45: 1208-1219 (DOI:10.1080/0020739X.2014.920558)